January 16th





Born on October 9, 1958

First Profession April 25, 1987

Perpetual Profession April 25, 1990

Priestly Ordination May 1st, 1992

Death January 16, 2017

At 58 years


Fr. Raphael is the second of three sons, children of Mr Somsak e Mrs. Somsak Kluimai na ayudhya Sumali.

He finished his school education at the Brothers of St Gabriel’s, at the Assumption College in Thonburi, Bangkok, and after having finished the Higher School of Art.

He was born and grown up in a Buddhist family, and according to the family tradition he entered the temple as a minor monk for a certain period of time.

After finishing his studies he transferred to the North of Thailand at the age of 2. He asked to be converted to the Catholic Church and was baptized in the parish of the Sacred Heart, in the Province of Chiang Mai. He offered himself to teach as a volunteer in a Catholic Mission school. As a school teacher he liked to journey with the missionaries to visit some villages of the local tribe in that far-away place.  Observing the activities of the missionary he developed the desire of becoming a missionary and a priest.

He entered the Stigmatine House of Formation in Sam Phram on September 20, 1983.  He studied philosophy and theology in the “Lux Mundi” national major seminary.

He had his first profession on April 25, 1987, and after three years he pronounced his perpetual vows on April 25, 1987.  He was ordained a priest on May 1st, 1992. He was ordained together with other 5 Stigmatine confreres on May 1st 1992, with the imposition of the hands of bishop Michael Praphon Chaijaroen, SBD, bishop of Suratthani.

1992 – he was curate of the Sacred Heart in Ranong

1993 – manager of the school of the parish of Our Lady of Grace in Pakjan and St Gaspar Bertoni in Lamliang.

2006 – parish priest of the parish of the Holy Spirit in Trang

2009 – parish priest in the parish of St Martin of Tours in Phang-nga

Fr Raphael had the ability and gift of the word for the good of others, and he knew how to use these gifts and competence in the area of interreligious relationship.  He was a fluent catechist, he could share his faith experience for the public, especially the young people. He was a great pastor for the education of the simple peasants and country workers.

At the end of December 2016, when he felt he could not breathe properly, he had to go to the Phuket hospital.  He had respiratory and heart problems.  The first week of 2017 he went again to the Bangkok –Phuket Center for cardiac cure for further tests.

He needed a by-pass. After the operation he remained comatose for two days and he passed away after midnight of January 2017.

The news of Fr Seubsak’s death shocked the whole local church especially for those who knew him.   His funeral was celebrated in the parish church of “The Assumption of Mary” in Phuket, presided over by bishop Joseph Prathan, SDB, with the presence of many friend priests and parishioners.   He was buried in the cemetery of the parish on January 19.

Requiescat in pace.

Fr Joseph Winai, CSS



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