May 8th






Tuenno TN -  November 28, 1911


August 15, 1938


Battipaglia SA – May 8, 1987

AGE: 76 years old


            In his first three years in the priesthood, he was assigned to the College of the Stimate in Verona.

            In  1941, he was sent then to our first Stigmatine foundation in southern Italy: Battipaglia, and he remained there for 14 years, until 1955; he then  moved to Poggiomarino, where he remained as pastor for 21 years, leaving behind a very vivid memory. For three years, he was a member of the Community of Bellizzi [1976-1979]. He then returned to Battipaglia, where he became Pastor of Aversana, living  in the Community of the Bertoni House. In all these communities, he served also as diligent and competent economus and administrator.


Italian version