July 11th






BORN:                 Piracicaba, SP - 6.9.1925

ENTERED:          RioClaro - 27.2.1937

ORDAINED:        Riberão Preto - 3.12.1950

DIED:                   Brazilia - 11.7.2002

AGE:                     76


After his ordination he exercised his priestly ministry in various residences in Brazil. He had a constant cheerful character and was very proud of being a Stigmatine. He loved and always defended his congregation and his religious Province. He executed all his tasks as a good religious with dedication and simplicity.

He was always available for obedience. Wherever he lived, he was welcomed with love and affection, entertaining strong bonds of friendship.

He spent his last years at Palmas-To, where he built the shrine of Our Lady of Fatima.


italian version Brasil