BORN: Varena, TN – 17.07.1897


ORDINATION: Roma - 1921

DECEASED: Verona (S. Leonardo) – 8.12.1971

AGE: 74


After a short period of ministry in Rome and Verona, he was sent to Brazil in 1923 where he remained for 13 years at Ro Claro, Castro (Paranà), Campinas, S. Caetano, Ituiutaba (Minas G.). He was always dedicated to various ministries that he exercised with admirable faithfulness and spirit of sacrifice. In 1936 he suffered some mental confusion and had to return to Italy. Notwithstanding his difficult conditions he worked assiduously and with great advantage for the souls: in Gemona, Affi, Rome (S. Croce), Cadellara and at the end of his life in San Leonardo.

He had a patient and calm character. He was very obliging, charitable, and he was appreciated as a merciful confessor.


Italian version


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