MARIO POZZI (priest)


BORN:    Rho, Milan – 16.7.1914

ENTERED:    Verona - 1926

ORDAINED: 9.07.1939

DIED:             Rome – 8.8.1986

AGE:              72 


He was sent to our Congregation by the Missionary Oblates of Rho (Milan), together with other young men.  He was always cheerful and a lively companion of everybody. He really became “the priest of the youth”.

From 1948 to 1958 he lived and worked in Milan at the parish of S. Croce, where he dedicated himself to the oratory and especially to the boy-scouts.

From 1958 to 1966 he exercised his ministry as a Parish Priest at Battipaglia (Salerno).  From 1966 to 1980 he was Parish Priest at S. Croce in Rome. He would have liked to return to Battipaglia, but the Lord took him suddenly.  He was missed very much by all, parishioners and Confreres, because of his cheerful and sincere character.



Italian version