BORN:           Vico Po di S. Lazzaro, Parma – 14.11.1884

ENTERED:    Verona - 1896


DIED:             S. Croce, Roma – 1.8.1974

AGE:              90 


He spent the first 30 years of his priestly ministry working with the youth in our colleges.  He was in Gemona and subsequently in Udine (1912-1922).  During the First World War he was appointed a military chaplain in Italy and France (1916-1918). After the war he lived in our communities of Stimate and Udine.  From 1929 to 1937 he was the superior of the community of Parma and the rector of the boarding school. Then he was sent to Milan (S. Croce) as a parish priest. He experienced the tragedies and damages of the Second World War: the church was bombed and burnt and the parish congregation disbanded.  After eight years he returned to Parma. From 1952 until his death he remained at S. Croce in Rome.  He was a skilful confessor, loved and sought after by people. He was always kind and gentle, optimist and benevolent.




Italian version