Born:               Civezzano (Trento) – 29.5.1895

First profession:   12.8.1913

Ordained:             Rome - 1920

Died:                Campinas (S. Paolo, Brazil)) – 17.6.1980

Age:                 85 


During his studies he had to face all the problems of the first World War: to become a refugee, to suffer hunger and being uncertain of his future. After his ordination he was assigned to Parma, where he was supposed to prepare himself to go to the United States of America.  The difficulty he encountered with the language convinced him to change direction and go to Brazil, where he arrived in1922. From that date until his death he worked indefatigably in all Stigmatine works and activities. His first field of apostolate was Tibagy in the State of Paranà. In Rio Claro he became master of the Brazilian novices. He founded the communities of Olilveira, Ituiutaba and casa Branca.  He was superior, parish priest and spiritual director. In all these offices he gained the esteem of all. He spent his last years in Campinas.


Italian version

Brasilian version