LUIGI MIORI (priest)



Lon di Vezzano, Trento - 25.09.1919


Verona - 09.09.1942


Verona - 07.07.1946


Trento - 23.11.2001

AGE: 82


During the first years of his priestly activity he was engaged in our colleges of Udine, Parma and Rieti. In that period he continued his studies and obtained the degree in Arts and Philosophy in Bologna. Subsequently he taught in Gemona and Udine, firstly in the old “Bertoni” and after in the new one. His life was dedicated to teaching and education of youth.

In the middle of September 2000 Fr Luigi went to the community of Trento to be near his relatives and to breathe the native air of his valley of lakes. As he was extrovert and kind, he did not find difficulty in becoming friend with everybody and to participate well in the parish activity.

Because of his long experience and involvement in the school, he demonstrated to have realized convincingly one of the main aspects of our religious Stigmatine charism: the education of youth.   He was a keen reader of the times and knowledgeable about persons. He was enthusiastic of his mission as educator, that he nurtured with continuous studies and a deep love for nature.




Italian version