January 17th





Verona - 1.3.1937


Verona - 25.9.1958


Verona - 21.6.1964


Barretos, SP - 17.1.1999

AGE: 62


His school mates used to call him “golden-mouth” because of his sweet wide smile. He lost several relatives, in the same time, under the bombing of the Second World War: father, mother, one brother and one sister.

    He entered the Stigmatines in 1950 in Cadellara (VR). In San Leonardo he prepared himself for his religious, priestly and missionary ideals.

After his ordination in 1964, he was sent to the parish of San Leone in Milan, where he showed forth his best energies. He was then in Battipaglia and Cadellara, as formator of our aspirant candidates.  He was always available and jolly, being able to transmit his enthusiasm to the boys, as he was enamoured of the Gospel.

In 1973 he went to Brazil and he literally dived into the apostolic activity in different parishes where he was assigned: Casa Branca, Ituiutaba, Morrinhos, São Antonio do Sudueste and Barretos. In these fields he showered all his love and vitality. The tests of life, however, were not wanting. The death of his sister and a painful operation that he underwent in 1984, opened deep wounds in his heart.

The last three years of life were full of suffering and pain. Yet the smile was always on his lips, and the good humour did not wane. During the last months he was able to write a little book about his life – a preparation for the final encounter with the Father.

 Italian version