BORN:            Verona – 17.4.1881

ENTERED:     Verona - 1894

ORDAINED:   Trento - 1904

DIED:              Campinas (S. Paolo) – 8.8.1940

AGE:               59 


He exercised hi first priestly ministry in Milan, when he participated in the development of the newly established parish and community of S. Croce. He dedicated himself mainly to preaching because of his remarkable skill.

In 1921 he went to Brazil. He was appointed superior of Castro (Paranà) and from 1926 until his death he was the rector of the church of St Benedict in Campinas. In 1931 he was elected Visitator and strongly promoted the development of our Congregation in Brazil. He tenderly loved the church of St Benedict and he nicely decorated it.



Italian version