January 29th



GEORGE A. LINSE (priest)


Jamaica Plain, MA - 6.5.1916

Final profession:

Waltham, MA - 9.9.1938


Wellesley, MA - 11.6.1943


Springfield, MA - 29.1.1994

AGE: 78 


He was born of a family of German emigrants. After his priestly ordination in 1943 he showed zeal and dedication to the ministry, as he possessed a deep and simple faith.  Notwithstanding a personal methodical life-style and strict daily schedule of work, he offered himself in all circumstances extremely pleasant and serene. He obtained respect and admiration from everybody, wherever he lived.

He exercised his priestly ministry always in our parishes.

His concern was the formation of the consciences of the young people and adults.

As a Stigmatine he deeply felt the engagement of supporting vocations for the good of the church.

Notwithstanding the illness of his last years, his great faith in God allowed him to maintain always an optimist attitude in life. He wore a peaceful smile on his lips all his life, until the eve of his death.


 Italian version