Born at Siror di Primiero (Tn-Italy) on 02.03.1935, prof. 12.10.1956. ord. 25.06.1961

death Verona (San Leonardo), 2.08.2022 (y. 87)


An aspirant with a dazzling smile (reproduced by Fr. Mario Arduini in the bulletin of the Apostolic School), he was then the priest of friendship, of generous welcome, of closeness to the students of our formation houses. He worked in Rome, at the General Curia and the parish of S. Croce al Flaminio; then in Gemona del Friuli, in Milan, and, lastly, in Trento (here as Superior of the Community and parish priest); from here he passed to Verona-S. Leonardo, because he suffered from progressive psychic disorders, which gradually isolated him and led him to his death. 

