December 21th





Born. Fane (Vr) 7.5.1934, pr. 1957, sac. 1963,

Died. Verona (Borgo Trento) 21.12.2020 (age. 86)



A joyful confrere, he had two passions in his life: the sacred ministry and teaching. 

After his classical and theological studies, he attended the Angelicum in Rome, where he received his degree in Theology in 1965, followed by recognition of his degree by the Italian state. 

The ministry was his first passion (following the example of Fr. Pietro Marchesini, who had impressed him in one of his sermons in Fane); he carried it out in different Stigmatine Communities: Rome-SS.Trinità, Verona-via Mameli (in Verona he also dedicated himself to the formation of catechists), and Parma. 

He taught in our school at the Stimate, where he was also Dean of Studies at the Middle School from 1996 until his retirement to San Leonardo for health reasons. 

He was always lively and effervescent, even during his long stay in San Leonardo (where he was forced to undergo dialysis in the hospital).


