January 27th



DARIO JOB (priest)



Cunevo, TN - 27.7.1913


Verona - 16.7.1936


Verona - 9.7.1939


Verona - 27.1.1998

AGE: 85


He entered our Institute at thirteen years of age and followed regularly his secondary studies and theological course with profession and priestly ordination.

Except for the period from 1946 to 1958 during which he covered the office of provincial bursar, he mainly served the Church in Udine, where he dedicated himself to the teaching ministry until 1984.

He has always been an educator. First at the Stimmate school in Verona, then at Udine’s “Bertoni” where he spent the last forty years of his life. His philosophy was straight and simple: “Each thing in its place and at the right time”, “Do not be disturbed by anything that can happen”, “Never raise your voice”, “Listen to everybody with concern and gentleness”.

He gave an example of prudence, fortitude, faithfulness and transparent temperance. He retired from the school in 1984 in order to better dedicate himself to the community and to prayer. His last months of life were spent in San Leonardo (VR), and they were marked by the test of suffering. They were the opportunity to follow closer his beloved Lord Jesus on the footsteps of Saint Gaspar.


 Italian version