January 5th







Fiera di Primiero, TN -  4.8.1912


Sezano, VR -  9.9.1934


Verona -  11.6.1938


Verona -  5.1.1991

AGE: 79 


During the first years of his ministry he was assigned to several communities. He taught in our school of Gemona (Friuli), and St Severino Marche. He took part in the attempt of foundation of the community of Acqui (Alessandria).

From 1946 he lived in Verona, Stimmate, as a very much appreciated professor of Greek and Latin until 1987. After that time he retired while remaining apostolically active, available for confessions and various activities in our church of the Stimmate.

He was confessor of sisters in various Institutes and also teacher of catechesis, while giving some lessons of  biblical Greek to the friars of St Bernardino.

He was always an exemplary religious and priest, showing a serious faith and shining witness of virtue, with humility and enthusiasm until the last minute of his life.


Italian version