May 12th






St. Catherine’s, Ontario [Canada] – May 15, 1919


Sangerfield NY – June 22, 1965


Waltham MA – May 12, 1993

AGE: 74 years old


Brother  Patrick was born in Canada. In the area of his birth, he  finished his  grammar and high school studies, and entered among us in 1957. He made his Novitiate in Springfield MA.

            In 1963, he served as cook of our Community in Springfield, and then after that, in the Novitiate in Waterville NY. At the end of this same year, he was assigned to the parochial Office in Springfield.

            From 1964 – 1968, he  served to perfection in various domestic charges.

            He was then sent to work in the Information Center, in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario [Canada]. There he poured himself into the work with dedication, and managed a religious article store there.

            In 1975, he moved to Timmins, Ontario [Canada], where for 13 years he  efficiently administered another religious article store, connected to our parish there. When our House in Timmins was closed, Brother Patrick returned to Waltham.

            In 1992, his health began  to deteriorate in a serious manner. He supported these sufferings with exemplary patience, in the same manner in which he had conducted his life for years: serene, cordial toward all, affable, obedient, without ever complaining.


Italian version