MAY 9th






Orvieto – 1872




May 9, 1933

AGE: 61 years old


            He was born in Orvieto in 1872, and ordained a Priest in 1895, and then handled many important responsibilities in various Roman Congregations. In 1903, he was Secretary of the  Delegation  to Mexico, and then in 1908, he was appointed Auditor in Washing. In 1914, he was made an Archbishop, and was the first Apostolic Delegate in Australia. Called to Rome in 1916 he was named Secretary of Extraordinary Ecclesiastical  Affair. Once the  diplomatic relations were re-established between France and the Vatican,  he was the first Apostolic Nuntio  in Paris. He was created a Cardinal in 1925,and for one year he remained in Paris, and then became the Prefect of the Supreme tribunal of Apostolic Signatura.

            In 1928, he was named Protector of our Institute, toward which he nourished affection and esteem.


Italian version