January 22th



18.7.1913        Schwenningen - Germany

Final profession:





22.1. 1992

Age: 79  


He was born in Germany, where his parents lived for some years because of work.  They came back to Italy while Alfredo was still very young and settled in Pescantina (VR).  In 1925 Alfredo entered our Apostolic House in Santissima Trinità, in Verona.

After his priestly ordination he was assigned to the seminary of Sanseverino Marche (MC), as vice-rector and teacher. He was then in the Apostolic House and in charge also of the formation of our professed students. He left for Gemona where he was superior and subsequently he went to Udine where he experienced the tragedy of the earthquake of 1976. The event shocked him so much that he asked to be transferred to Verona, where he taught in our secondary classical school.

He called himself “school addicted”. He loved very much to converse with both the young people and the elderly, and especially with humble people.

He loved life and nature and the little things, and the flowers.

He had a poet’s heart and poetry he wrote since his younger years. He used to get much attached to persons, even if he refused to admit it.

He was a rigid interpreter of the doctrine of the Church, and he would not accept any interpretation different from what was theologically and morally officially sure.

He died quietly in the hospital of Negrar (VR).

 Italian version